Arches Will Arch


This picture of The Washington Arch was taken at Washington Square Park, which is located in Lower Manhattan. I found this picture to be relevant because it reminds me of The Arch of Constantine. The Washington Square Arch was made to honor and named after George Washington; the very first president of the United States. On the other hand, The Arch of Constantine was named after emperor Constantine of Constantinople. He took part in spreading Christianity, and the Arch symbolizes that with the three archways, which represent the holy trinity. In addition, the arch also posses a lot of spoliage, not just to honor Christianity, but also to make known of Emperor Constantine’s triumphs and accomplishments. They are both triumphal arches, and while the Arch of Washington was made out of Tuckahoe Marble, Constantine’s was made of brick faced with marble. This kind of technique was not very uncommon for the Romans.

-Izadora, Team Aphrodite