
“At sixteen, having now come of age, he was awarded military decorations when Caesar celebrated his African triumph, though he had been too young for overseas service”-Suetonis


“Augustus actually engaged assassins to murder Antony and, when the plot came to light, spent as much money as he could raise on enlisting a force of veterans to protect himself and the Constitution.”-Suetonis


These two passages characterize Augustus as a triumphant, young ruler of Rome that used his wealth to protect his citizens. I chose these passages because they highlight adjectives and words that represent who Augustus was and what he has done. These two passages are different, as the first passage is about Augustus prior to becoming emperor whereas the second passage is about Augustus as emperor.

IMG_1415 (2)The image I chose shows me holding a calendar, showing the month of August.  August comes from Augustus. This is probably because Augustus achieved an important accomplishment in this month and was later renamed in honor of him. My speculation does not connect with the first quote but does with the second. In the first quote, Augustus was sixteen and may have been too young to have a month named after him. In the second quote however, the assassination of Antony may have earned the respect of Roman officials and honor him with August.


Frank-Team Artemis

3 thoughts on “August(us)

  1. Wow. My blog post is similar, but different than yours. I also decided to find out about the connection between the month August and Emperor Augustus. I think that was very generous of Caesar to name it in honor of Augustus. Good job!


  2. It is always interesting how after being reminded that this month is named after Augustus we are all like “ohhhhhh”, in a way it kind of works. Augustus is well known but in a way just forgettable yes he is important, but often times at least in my mind just blends into all the Roman information we are taught. It is similar to the month of August because most months are thought of for some marker or holiday in America: Jan- New Years, Feb Valentines, March: St. Patty, April:Easter May: School’s Out/ Cinco De Mayo, June: Start of Summer, July: Independence Day, Sept: 9/11, Fall Starts, Oct: Halloween, Nov: Thanksgiving, and Dec: Christmas. It kind of fits who it was named after important and valued but forgotten.


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