Augustus, The Roman Emperor

Life of Augustus

“May I be privileged to build firm and lasting foundations for the Government of Rome. May I also achieve the reward to which I aspire: that of being known as the author of the best possible Constitution, and of carrying with me, when I die, the hope that these foundations will abide secure.”


“In my nineteenth year, on my own initiative and at my own expense, I raised an army with which I set free the state, which was oppressed by the domination of a faction.”

I chose these two quotes to characterize Augustus. Both of these quotes show Augustus desire and believes. In order to mollify Rome’s Senate and ruling classes, he passed laws harkening back to the traditions of the Roman Republic. And in order to win the interests of the people, he worked to improve and strive for peace in the city of Rome. Both of these two quotes characterized Augustus was a powerful, great and successful ruler. The reign of Augustus began an era of relative peace known as The Roman Peace. The Roman world was largely free from large-scale conflict for more than two centuries.


This is a picture of me holding a planner on the month of August. The name of the month was changed to August in honor of Augustus Caesar in 8 BCE. That means Augustus was an important person in Rome. Augustus was the most accounts, greatest emperor of Rome. The era of Augustus’ reign was a golden age in every respect. The peace which Augustus restored and kept caused the economy, the arts and agriculture to flourish.

-ShuLinTan, Team Venus

One thought on “Augustus, The Roman Emperor

  1. I liked how you mention that Augustus worked hard to gain the interest of the people. I feel like similarly to him Caesar did the same thing, but the senate just thought he was too prideful and confident. With that thought in mind they swayed the people to dislike him and that was just wrong. They should have earn their respect from the people a different way or settles their differences with Caesar a way that does not involve him dying


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