Artwork? More like Fartwork.

Dear Mr. Name Withheld…

It seems you’re quite in the predicament! I would usually say to NOT pray for anything, but, you have to pray for mercy! If you hate their artwork, please pray for it to get better! If you want them to get money, please pray for them to get money. But please, for the love of Julius Caesar, do not tell them that their artwork is terrible. You see, art is like aging, “But just think of the many, never-ending disadvantages an extended old age is full of! Take a look at its face, first of all—ugly and hideous and unrecognisable—and the ugly hide in place of skin and the drooping jowls and the wrinkles” (188-288). If their work is terrible, please assist them by being honest with them. It will save them the embarrassment of having friends who fake smile at them every time they show their artwork. Go up to your little friend and tell them, Roman to Roman, blood to blood, that “if you want my advice, you’ll let the gods themselves estimate what will suit us and benefit our circumstances: you see, the gods will bestow gifts that are the most appropriate rather than nice” (Juvenal, 346-end). May the gods help you in establishing a conclusive solution as to how you are aghast of your friend’s artwork, and may Zeus assist your soul when the fires of the Underworld appear from your friend’s denying rage. Best of luck! May you come back in one piece!



Fernandus Cronos.


Appiah, Kwame Anthony. “Must I Pretend to Like My Artist Friend’s Work?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 16 Dec. 2015,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=89&pgtype=collection.

One thought on “Artwork? More like Fartwork.

  1. Basically, I picked this post to read because I found the title funny. The writing didn’t disappoint as well. You were able to use humor well and incorporated Juvenal’s quotes seamlessly into your own response. Nice job!

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